Ymchwil yn y dyfodol


 Oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn ymchwilio i goedwigaeth a choedwigaeth gymdeithasol? Mae Coed Lleol yn gwerthfawrogi ac yn cefnogi gwaith ymchwilwyr academaidd. Rydym yn awyddus i glywed gan unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn ymchwilio i goedwigaeth neu goedwigaeth gymdeithasol.

Cysylltwch â Natasha Simons, Swyddog Ymchwil a Gwerthuso Coed Lleol, drwy e-bost: [email protected]

Dyma rai awgrymiadau ar gyfer syniadau ymchwil, ond mae rhwydd hynt i chi gysylltu â ni gyda'ch syniadau eich hunain:




  • Effaith rheoli coetir ar fioamrywiaeth
  • Atgyfnerthu coetiroedd cynhyrchiol er budd amgylcheddol a chymdeithasol
  • Ailwylltio vs. rheoli coetir: archwilio'r effaith ar atafaeliad carbon a/neu fioamrywiaeth.
  • Pam mae cymaint o goetiroedd bychain yn cael eu gadael heb eu rheoli? Archwilio rhwystrau rheoli coetir i berchnogion coetiroedd preifat.
  • Sut all perchnogion coetiroedd bychain gyfrannu at economïau lleol?
  • Beth allwn ni ei ddysgu gan arferion coedwigaeth hynafol neu fyd-eang?


Coedwigaeth Gymdeithasol


  • Beth yw'r ffordd orau o annog arfer orau er mwyn datblygu a chynnal sgiliau annibynnol a pherchnogaeth o goetiroedd cymunedol neu gyhoeddus? (defnyddio cynlluniau rheoli).
  • Effaith coedwigaeth gymdeithasol ar iechyd corfforol a llesiant meddwl
  • Beth yw effeithiau, materion a defnyddiau Presgripsiynu Cymdeithasol i iechyd awyr agored? (yn enwedig mewn coetiroedd)
  • Ymchwilio'r rhwystrau i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau awyr agored/coetiroedd i wahanol grwpiau cymdeithasol
  • Beth yw'r ffordd orau o wella sgiliau a mewnosod eco-therapi? A ddylai nyrsys gael hyfforddiant mewn atebion ar sail natur neu eco-therapyddion yn y maes iechyd meddwl?
  • A yw coetiroedd yn drawsffurfiol? Ymchwilio i newidiadau ymddygiadol/newidiadau iechyd a llesiant perchnogion coetiroedd bach
  • Sut mae gorbryderu am yr hinsawdd yn effeithio ar ein plant? A all Coed Lleol/Coed
  • Actif helpu i leddfu gorbryderu am yr hinsawdd ymhlith plant oedran ysgol?
  • Pa wersi y gellir eu dysgu (cadarnhaol a negyddol) o eco-therapi yn fyd-eang (gan ganolbwyntio ar Japan a De Corea)
  • Sut all cysylltu â natur effeithio ar gleifion dementia (a chof)?


Ein hymchwil presennol

Social Return on Investment of Nature-Based Activities for Adults with Mental Wellbeing Challenges



Spring is sprung! Walking in the woods this morning, the spring flowers are pushing through the undergrowth, the birdsong in the trees is reaching fever pitch and the mammals large and small are on the move; attracting the attention of the kestrels and buzzards overhead. This is such a magical time of year and never fails to inspire and fill the mind with thoughts and plans for the year ahead.

We are getting this year off to a great start with two events this month that should prove to be very interesting. On 16-17 March we are hosting two Forestry Commission sponsored “Woodland into Management” events at the Green Wood Centre. The event will showcase some of the many ways that small woodland managers and owners can use some of the smaller-scale equipment available to them to improve woodland management in a sensitive, sustainable and cost effective way.

We are very much looking forward to the event as it provides us with an opportunity to look at the lessons coming from the SIMWOOD project, where we are again collaborating with the Forestry Commission, along with another 27 woodland management organisations from across Europe. Our principle in both initiatives is that the “wood that is valued is the wood that stays” and we know that Small Woods members value the woods where they work for a wide range of reasons. The addition of new techniques and ideas that promote management will make the 25-30,000 hectares of British woods for which Small Woods members are responsible across the UK more likely to be managed well. To say there is clearly demand from members for these events is an understatement – the first day sold out in 3 hours and the second in an evening. We are looking forward to two vibrant days exchanging experience and ideas.