Introduction to charcoal and biochar production
- The Green Wood Centre
- 16 Mar 2025
28 Gorff 2023
The Board of the Small Woods Association is calling for expressions of interest in the role of trustee. Applications will be considered at the Board’s meeting in September, with a view to confirmation at our AGM on 30th September.
The trustee role is vital for ensuring that the organisation is well directed and accountable. The Board oversees our strategic direction and ensures clear delegation of management functions to the executive, which is led by the Chief Executive, supported by the Senior Management Team. The SWA staff is organised into four departments; Woodland Management; Social Forestry; Administration and Finance; and Communications and Fund raising, each headed by a Senior Manager. The 4 Senior Managers are answerable to the Chief Executive and together make the Senior Management Team.
The trustee board operates as a collective decision making body, led by Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, all of whom have defined roles. All trustees are expected to maintain an overview of the scope of the organisation, the Board does not have specific leads for areas of its operation, nor does it have sub-committees.
More specifically, the Board provides strategic direction and guidance to:
• Ensure the organisation remains strategically focused in order to it achieve the most impact;
• Grow its influence with other woodland bodies and the wider network within which SWA’s work sits;
• Grow its profile nationally;
• Grow its membership;
• Maintain and strengthen its financial position; and
• Remain focused on, and act solely within, its charitable objects.
The Board also has well defined legal responsibilities which require effective oversight of Small Wood's systems for managing assets and other resources, ensuring ongoing financial viability and managing risk. There are well developed protocols for reviewing the effectiveness of these through regular reports to the Board, making use of specialist consultants and independent auditors as appropriate.
The Board of Trustees meets quarterly. All meetings can be attended online, although in person attendance is encouraged at least once a year. The Board is aiming for an overall composition that has a broad representation of skills relevant to our core purposes, as well as having a view to its diversity and geographical spread. Trustees hold the primary legal responsibility for the organisation. Personal liability is limited to £1, as SWA is also a Company Limited by Guarantee.
Applicants must be a member of SWA, although there is no minimum qualifying period of membership. The roles are not remunerated, although travel expenses can be claimed.
Closing date for expressions of interest is 22nd August.
If you would like to discuss the role, please contact the office on 01952 432769, and we will arrange for the CEO or a member of SMT to be available for you.