Members' visit to Coed Gwinllan Tyddyn

22 Mai 2024


Following our members' visit to the Esmond Harris Award-winning woodland near Penygroes, North Wales, earlier this month, we received this wonderful testimony from our host.

Debbie Owens is continuing her late partner Andrew Cartwright's work at Coed Gwinllan Tyddyn and was pleased to welcome Small Woods members and students from the local Coleg Glynllifon, including Andy's forestry tutor, for a skill share and networking day at the woodland. Here's what she had to say: 

It was a day I had slight anxiety about as, in the 18 years of being in the 16-acre woodland with Andy, we had never had so many visitors. However, I felt he was there with me in spirit, giving the thumbs-up for the day that myself and Small Woods’ CEO, Simon James, had planned.

The members who attended were as diverse as the trees Andy planted and each brought passion, knowledge and enthusiasm and shared their experiences.

During this period of change and loss, I have had moments of not being able to see the forest for the trees, however, this skill share day helped reassure and give me confidence to move into the next chapter of woodland management.

The day was relaxed, and we mindfully walked through the woods, navigating through bramble and listening to birdsong whilst sharing advice, guidance and information.

We ate cake, made by Andy’s mum, and Kate Clements from Small Woods ran a beautiful session on wellbeing in the woods, which laid the groundwork for future partnership work together.

Friendships were forged and, like a big strong oak tree, branches of support have been offered to each other.

I would highly recommend hosting such a day as I feel the roots of this day have reached out and given connection to other woodland owners/guardians.

If you missed the day and would like to come along, I am hosting a free drop-in Wellbeing in the Woods Day once a month and all are welcome.

Diolch and thank you to everyone who came along for sharing your wisdom and wealth of knowledge.

If you would like to make contact with Debbie or if you are keen to host a members' visit at your woodland, email or call the office on 01952 432769.