Training & events » Lost Woods of the Low Weald and Downs Training Courses » Restoring ‘Lost’ Ancient Woodlands 
Restoring ‘Lost’ Ancient Woodlands 

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: 06 May 2025

: Woods Mill, Henfield


Tutor: Chris Keeler

Join us on this one-day course to learn the basic skills you need to identify and sustainably manage ancient woodland, and help biodiversity thrive once more.

The day will begin at the HQ of Lost Woods Project Partner, Sussex Wildlife Trust, for a discussion on ancient woodland. After lunch, we will visit a nearby site that is currently undergoing restoration.  

We will cover:

- What is an ancient woodland? 
- Ancient woodland indicator species. 
- Woodland archaeology. 
- Woodland condition assessment and planning. 
- Restoration management techniques 
- Resilience to climate change, pests, diseases and invasive species.