Woodland operations


Forestry operations in woodlands across England and Wales play a pivotal role in the management and conservation of these diverse ecosystems.

We have created a free and in-depth guide on the timing of these operations, which can significantly impact the delicate balance between sustainable management objectives and the enhancement of wildlife habitats, including protected species.

Download a free guide to the timing of woodland operations here

If you are a woodland owner or manager who needs further guidance on sustainable management, our membership offers many benefits, including:

  • Online resources, including a regular e-newsletter on our activities and news from the woodland sector
  • Members’ visits and training events, giving you the opportunity to learn about woodlands and meet other members.
  • 20% off all training courses
  • Quarterly Smallwoods magazine packed full of articles on sustainable woodland management - whether your main interest is wood fuel, timber, wildlife or recreation.

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