Introduction to charcoal and biochar production
- The Green Wood Centre
- 16 Mar 2025
16 Dec 2021
Small Woods has signed up to the Climate Change and Forestry Accord 2021. This 2021 Accord reaffirms and updates the principles of an accord first agreed in 2015.
Its signatories agree to take urgent action, recognise the need to work together, and commit to promote the importance of the adaptation of our trees, woods, and forests to climate change.
Our shared vision is for Britain’s trees, woods, and forests to be resilient and therefore able to meet their full potential in providing the full range of ecosystem services upon which human society and nature depends.
We will agree an action plan and work together to deliver it with a focus on:
- communicating with those who have a direct stake in the management of trees, woods, and forests
- delivering training and education to practitioners to promote adaptation and resilience of trees, woods, and forest
- influencing research that supports adaptation of trees, woods, and forests to climate change, and disseminating these findings to practitioners
providing a coherent voice to influence the development of forestry policy and guidance on climate adaptation.
The Forestry Climate Change Partnership, formerly known as the Forestry and Climate Change Working Group, has drawn up the Accord with input from its partners and will be launching a website in the New Year before its first annual meeting in February.