"Woodlands into Management" is a series of events run in partnership with small woodland owners and workers across the country. These events are organised and facilitated by the Small Woods Association, in partnership with FSC."
These one-day events aim to encourage and inspire woodland owners and managers to bring woodlands into sustainable management and overcome some of the barriers that might stand in the way. Each session will provide training, advice, and discussion on a specific aspect of the woodland management process, with experienced guest speakers offering insights.
Join us on Tuesday 10th December at Pembrokeshire Agroforestry for a walk and talk around the 10-acre farm and learn how owners Tom and Jacqui have introduced trees into their land use.
Over the course of the day, we will explore the basics of what to consider when introducing trees into a farmed landscape, planting designs, species choice and maintenance. We aim to demystify how and when to consider planting trees on farms, how to manage the trees for different objectives and the biodiversity, productivity and economic benefits that trees can bring.
This event will also be a celebration for Small Woods’ Pembrokeshire Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) project, to mark the success of our year-long health and wellbeing and woodland management programmes across Pembrokeshire as the year draws to a close.
There will be plenty of opportunity throughout the day to ask questions and have discussions in a supportive and welcoming environment.
Practical footwear and weather appropriate clothing are recommended. Refreshments will be provided, but please bring your own lunch.
Thanks to FSC funding these events are heavily subsidised and run at low-cost. Places are available on a first come first served basis, so sign up early to avoid disappointment!
If you have any questions, please contact Alice Brawley at [email protected].
Address: Pembrokeshire Agroforestry, Pencedni, Glandwr, Pembrokeshire, SA34 0YD