Training & events » Event Calendar » Small Woods AGM 2024 - online registration
Small Woods AGM 2024 - online registration

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: 28 Sep 2024


If you are unable to attend in person, then join us online! Register here.



09:30  Welcome - Chris Duncan, Secretary / Introduction from CEO, Simon James


09:45  Keynote speaker | Rob Penn, Patron - Woodland Resilience


10:15  Speaker | Dr Jo Clark, Future Trees Trust – Utilising Forest Genetic Resources


11:00  Speaker | Dr Gabriel Hemery, Sylva Foundation – Innovative Tools for Woodland Management


11:45  Speaker | Dr Joan Webber, Forest Research – Pests and Disease


12:30  Small Woods Annual General Meeting | John Blessington, Chair


13:15  Esmond Harris Award for Innovation in Small Woodland Management – winner for 2024 to be announced